San Jose to Las Cruces

The ride to the biological station was long and dreadful, but it was worth it to see the beauty Costa Rica Has to offer. We drove from San jose to the Biological Center. We seen both urban settings and rural settings. This experience opened my eyes to the how different the culture is compared to the American culture. The city was very populated, but the people were very friendly and always cheerful. I felt welcomed as soon as I left the airport. Our first stop was at a gas station not very far from san jose. The cashiers at the gas station were very friendly and took time to help everyone even if they didn’t speak spanish. We went another hour down the road and we stopped at páramo
to explore the wilderness. To see the natural beauty from 10,000 feet in elevation was breathtaking. After that we made our last stop before Las Cruces. We stopped at a convenience store, where students used the bathroom and used the ATM. I bought a powerade and the cashier helping me was super helpful. Not only was she helpful to me but she was also very helpful to other students. She knew english and helped other students translate what they wanted from english to spanish. It was so cool to learn a little bit of the language from a native speaker. Finally, we made it to Las Cruces and it was absolutely beautiful. The staff was super helpful in helping us get settled and making us feel at home.


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